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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  August 30, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. this president can tell us that the next four years he'll get it right, but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ cheering and applause ] >> america's been patient. americans have supported this president in good faith, but today the time has come to turn the page. today the time has come for us to put the disappointments of the last four years behind us, to put aside the divisiveness and the recriminations, to forget about what might have been and to look ahead to what can be. now is the time to restore the promise of america. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> many americans have given up on this president, but they haven't ever thought about giving up, not on themselves, not on each other and not on america. what is needed in our country today is not complicated or profound, doesn't take a special government commission to tell us what america needs. what america needs is jobs, lots of jobs. obs, lot [ cheering and applause ] >> in the richest country in the history of the world this obama economy has the middle class. family income has fallen by $4,000, but health insurance premiums are higher. food prices are higher. utility bills are higher and gasoline prices, they've doubled. today more americans wake up in poverty than ever before. nearly one out of six americans
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is living in poverty. look around you. these aren't strangers. these are our brothers and sisters, our fellow americans. his policies have not helped create jobs. they've depressed them. create jobs. and this i can tell you about where president obama would take america. his plan to raise taxes on small business won't add jobs. it would eliminate them. t add [ cheering and applause ] >> his assault on coal and gas and oil will send energy and manufacturing jobs to china. l send [ cheering and applause ] [ boos ] >> his trillion dollar cuts to our military will eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs and also put our security at greater risk. [ boos ] >> his $716 billion cut to medicare to finance obamacare will both hurt today's seniors
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and depress innovation and jobs in medicine. [ boos ] >> and his trillion dollar deficits, they slow our economy, restrain employment and cause wages to stall. to the majority of americans who now believe that the future will not be better than the past i can guarantee you this. if barack obama is reelected, you'll be right. [ cheering and applause ] >> i'm running for president to help create a better future, a future where everyone who wants a job can find a job, where no senior fears for the security of their retirement, an america where every parent knows their child will get an education that leads them to a good job and a bright horizon and unlike the president, i have a plan to create 12 million new jobs. [ cheering and applause ]
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[cheers and applause] steps, first by 2020 north america will be energy independent by taking full advantage of our oil, our coal, our gas, our nuclear and our renewables. [ cheering and applause ] >> second, we'll give our fellow citizens the skills they need for the jobs of today and the careers of tomorrow. when it comes to the school your child will attend, every parent should have a choice and every child should have a chance. choice, and every child should have a chance. [ cheering and applause ] >> third, we'll make trade work for america y foreigning new
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trade agreements and when nations cheat in trade, there will be unmistakable consequences. [ cheering and applause ] and >> and fourth, to assure every entrepreneur and every job creator that their investments in america will not vanish as have those in greece, we will cut the deficit and put america on track to a balanced budget. [ cheering and applause ] >> and fifth, we will champion small businesses, america's engine of job growth. that means reducing taxes on them, not raising them. it means simplifying and modernizing the regulations that hurt small businesses the
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most and we must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing obamacare. . [ cheering and applause ] >> today women are more likely than men to start a business. they need a president who respects and understands what they do. nd understands what let me make this very clear. unlike president obama, i will not raise taxes on the middle class of america. axes on [ cheering and applause ] >> as president, i'll protect the sanctity of life. i'll honor the institution of marriage. itution of marriage [ cheering and applause ]
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>> and i will guarantee america's first liberty the freedom of religion. meca's [ cheering and applause ] [applause] >> president obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans. [ laughter ] >> and to heal the planet. my promise is to help you and your family. s [ cheering and applause ]
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[ cheering and applause ] >> i will begin my presidency with a jobs tour. president obama began his presidency with an apology tour. america he said dictated to other nations. no, mr. president. america has freed other nations from dictators. n [ cheering and applause ] [ crowd chanting usa, usa ]
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-- >> every american was relieved the day president obama gave the order and seal team 6 took out osama bin laden. team 6 took out osama bin laden [ cheering and applause ] >> on another front every american is less secure today because he has failed to slow iran's nuclear threat. in his first tv interview as president he said we should talk to iran. we're still talking and iran's center c -- centrifuges are still spinning. he abandoned our friends in poland biff walking away from our -- by walking away from our missile defense commitments, but he's eager to give russia's president putin the flexibility
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he desires after election. under my administration our friends will see more loyalty and mr. putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone. n will s [ cheering and applause ] backbone. we will honor america democrat >> we will honor america's democratic ideas because a free world is a more peaceful world, the bipartisan policy of truman and reagan and under my presidency we will return to it once again. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> you might have asked yourself if knees last years are really the america we want, the -- these last years are the america we want, the america that was won for us by the greatest nation. does it fail to fine the jobs for 23 mill -- find the jobs for 23 million people and half the kids graduating from college? are those schools lagging behind the rest of the developed world? and does america that we want succomb to resentment and division among americans? ent and division the america we all know has been a story of the many becoming one, united to preserve liberty, uniting to build the greatest economy in the world, uniting to save the world from unspeakable darkness. everywhere i go in america there are monuments that list those who have given their lives for america. there's no mention of their race, their party affiliation or what they did for a living. or what they did for a living. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> they lived and died under a single flag fighting for a single purpose. they pledged allegiance to the united states of america. that america, that united america, can unleash an economy that will put americans back to work, that will once again lead the world with innovation and productivity and that will restore every father and mother's confidence that their children's future is brighter even in the past. that america, that united america, will preserve a military that's so strong no nation would ever dare to test it. strong [ cheering and applause ] that america
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>> that america, that united america, will uphold the constellation of rights that were endowed by our creator and codified in our constitution. [ cheering and applause ] >> that united america will care for the poor and the sick, will honor and respect the elderly and will give a helping hand to those in need. that america is the best within each of us. that america we want for our children. if i'm elected president of these united states, i will work with all my energy and soul to restore that america, to lift our eyes to a better future. that future is our destiny. that future is out there. it is waiting for us. our children deserve it. our nation depends on it. the peace and freedom of the world require it and with your help we will deliver it. let us begin that future for america tonight. thank you so very much. may god bless you. may god bless the american
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people and may god bless the united states of america! america. [ cheering and applause ] cheers and applause] ♪
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♪[ music ] ♪ >> joining him is paul ryan, yet the end to another convention, a very, very powerful speech tonight. the candidate mitt romney has officially become the nominee for president of his party. a wide ranging set of themes that he explored tonight underpinned by the idea that he believes in america saying what america needs is jobs, lots of jobs and he has the plan to create 12 million jobs. he also said that in america we celebrate success. we don't apologize for success
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and in a nod to some of his critics that say not everything he touched at bain capital turned to gold, he said businesses are not always successful, but you have to try. the results of that light hearted moment where he joked about bain capital where he said he thought about investing his church's pension plan, but not only did he not want to lose his church's money, he did not want to go to hell either. he touched on the personal side of his life, a father who was a carpenter and touched on his religion saying it was unusual to be a mormon in michigan, but at the time people cared more about what sports team you were supporting and a lot about women tonight as there has been over the course of this convention telling his mom's story about running for senate in 1970 saying why woman shouldn't have the same opportunity as men do. mom's story about running for the senate an shannon bream is on the convention floor. his goal tonight was to sell
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himself to america, women voters in particular. did dethat tonight? >> well, you noted him talking about his mother, the opportunities that she, had the risks that she took and the choices she made. it was very clear there was a big section of this speech that was aimed at connecting with female voters. in talking about his family and love for his wife, that kind of thing, but also in talking about a number of the females highlighted at the rnc this week, various governors like nikki haley and suzanna martinez and condoleezza rice, somebody he often turns to for foreign policy advice. you could see it was a very concerted effort to talk about the woman in the gop, how they are well represented by his account and also how he would want to have them as part of his administration. he talked about those he did appoint when he was governor and how he felt that was very important. so there was obviously a very definite plan there to connect with women tonight. you noted this was a wide
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ranging speech. he talked about policy quite a bit towards the end. some of his biggest lines when he talked about opposing the environmental protection agency, his plan for energy product and also about going after the president's healthcare law pledging that he will repeal it in full if he is elected president. so weaving in the person pall stories, the outrage -- personal stories, the outrage to women and focus on policy that he knew would connect him with this audience tonight. tonight. >> shannon bream with us in the florida convention as the balloons continue to come down and the families are up on stage, mitt romney with his five sons as well as paul ryan with his young family. the balloons continue to come down. mitt romney saying that he has a very, very simple plan for america, that president obama wanted to stop the oceans from
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rising. and heal the planet. mitt romney said my plan is very simple. i just want to help you and your family and as well when he talked about foreign policy saying under a romney administration people like president putin in russia would see less flexibility and more backbone. continuing coverage of the republican national convention will continue on this station. on your local news an analysis now on the fox news channel on cable and satellite. for now i'm john robert, fox news tampa. thanks so much for -- roberts, fox news tampa. thanks so much for joining us. good night. >> this has been a fox news special presentation. this is fox 5 news at 10:00. i accept your nomination for president of the united states.
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[ cheering and applause ] >> we are on top of two big stories tonight, mitt romney making his case for your vote at the republican national convention. we are live in tampa. >> and isaac continues pushing north leaving behind major flooding and hundreds of thousands of people without power and it's possible we could see some effects from the storm here. thanks for joining us tonight. i'm shawn yancy. >> i'm brian bolter. we'll begin with mitt romney who just wrapped up the biggest speech of his life. >> he officially launched his campaign by focusing on the economy and promising to create millions of jobs. fox 5's tom fitzgerald is in the newsroom to start us off. >> governor romney talked about his life, religion and what he says are big differences between the course president barack obama has taken the country and how he would take the country in a different direction. it was a speech that was part biography, part resume and a roadmap to a republican future.
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he says he has a plan to create 12 million new jobs and also said he will focus on creating new jobs by helping small businesses through tax cuts and cuts in regulation. >> now is the moment we can stand up and say i'm an american. i make my destiny. we deserve better. my children deserves better. my family deserves better. my country deserves better. the president hasn't disappointed you because i wanted to. the president has dis-- he wanted to. the president has disappointed america because he hasn't led america in the right direction.
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he took office without the basic qualification that most americans have and one that was essential to the task at hand. he had almost no experience working in a business. jobs to him are about government. today the time has come for us to put the disappointments of the last four years behind us, to put aside the divisiveness and the recriminations, to forget about what might have been and to look ahead to what can be. now is a time to restore the promise of america. >> fresh off this convention tonight the republican ticket will be hitting the road. mitt romney and paul ryan will do a three-state swing through big battleground states. the campaign is hitting richmond, virginia, tomorrow as well as stops in jacksonville, florida and cincinnati, ohio. let's get right to fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin who is live in tampa.
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how you doing down there? >> i'm fine. >> how would you grade mitt romney's speech tonight? did he deliver on all those key points he was supposed to hit? >> i have to be very quick and get out, but he the bill. i thought he did what he had to do for the republican faithful here and for the audience out there. >> mark, from the very start of this primary we heard the party was split. not everyone was ready to jump in line behind mitt romney. it's sort of hard to gauge -- >> i'm told i have to go. i'm being taken off the air. >> okay. we apologize. of course, this is live tv. you never know what's going on down at the rncful clearly they're moving things around so other live reporters and different reports can happen down there. let's go back now to tom fitzgerald who is downstairs. let me ask you a few questions if you're standing by about what we heard tonight from mitt
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romney. we know the rnc crowd loves him but do you think his speech tonight was enough to unite the republican party? >> mitt romney had a couple jobs tonight. his no. 1 job was to let people know who he is. this is a man who has been running for president the past six years in one form or another. the only did mitt romney have to tell the american people who he was going to do if elected president. he needed to tell him who is going to do it. before we even saw this speech tonight a lot of the leadup to this were speeches by individual americans, people who have known mitt romney throughout his life telling these stories about how he had worked in the mormon church and visited people and was really a hands on manager.
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most of america did not see that tonight because most of the cable networks and only really the people watching this online got to see these things, but leading up to this it was really developing a story about who mitt romney was. the centerpiece was the five points romney made tonight. one of the big knocks on him by the obama administration has been romney has been very vague by specifics. this was an idea to boil this down to get five simple points out there where people can say what is mitt romney for? you heard it. these are the five areas. romney is going to go out and try to do this. >> we'll try to go back to mark plotkin if we can get him later who is live in tampa. thanks, top. we appreciate it. -- tom, we appreciate it. developing tonight isaac gradually losing strength, now a tropical depression, but the storm system continues to dump massive amounts of rainfall
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leaving behind severe flooding. fox's nicole collins has the latest from new orleans. >> reporter: louisiana governor bobby jindal telling those who live in low lying areas to pack up and leave as the floodwaters rise. isaac still making its presence known carrying relentless rains and powerful winds. in slidell, louisiana, some took isaac lightly and stayed behind but learned it was a bad decision when they found they needed to be rescued. >> i didn't take it real seriously. about 1:00 our cars were about to flood. so we tried to make it out. both our cars got flooded in the process. so we just stuck it out. >> we've never flooded this bad. >> reporter: a mandatory evacuation for part of the west bank of the mississippi river is in order. officials are scrambling to evacuate people as stormwaters continue to swell rivers. >> i woke my kids up and said we're going to have to get out because we're starting to take in water. >> reporter: some places several feet under water and it
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could become worse. >> folks need to understand even as the storm has moved through our state we could still see more rain which could lead to more localized flooding. >> reporter: more than 1,000 people were brought to this shelter in shreveport fired and hungry after almost a 15 hour bus ride. the evacuees were relieved to be out of their flooded homes. >> it's pretty tough because my babiest a heart mon ton and the mon -- baby is on a heart monitor and the monitor went completely dead. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands across several gulf states remain in the dark tonight. nicole collins, fox news. >> down to the weather center we go, sue palka tracking the storm. >> it's out of louisiana. that doesn't mean the rain has stopped, but the center of the circulation is 95 miles south, southwest of little rock, arkansas. let's go to the maps. you'll see the system still has a lot of rain especially north of it. so that very heavy rain is now through arkansas.
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the redbox is a continuing tornado watch for mississippi where we've had some very heavy rain. it's still rather slow moving, only moving north at 10 miles an hour. the winds with our tropical depression are about 30 miles an hour. grand bay, alabama, over 11 inches, vero beach 16 inches in florida. hammond, louisiana, 12 inches, new orleans about 10 1/4, widespread amounts and it's really centered through southern mississippi and southeastern louisiana. some of the estimates as you can see by our doppler radar including a 12 1/2 just a little west of mobile. so what's next? high pressure is going to guide the remnants up through the mississippi valley and over the next several days we'll be hearing a lot of reports of 2 to 5 inches of rain. they're grateful for pay lot of this rain in many drought stricken states. it may visit us late in the weekend. we'll talk about our labor day weekend forecast and when we may get a bit of isaac's rain
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around here if we're going to see any at all. a judge sentenced the former university of lacrosse player who beat his ex-girl friend to death. george huguely will spend 23 years in prison for the murder. fox 5's laura evans has the story. >> the judge handed down the sentence of 23 years for the second degree murder of yeardley love. the hearing lasted four hours, an emotional end to a tragic case. trying to show george huguely in a good light, the defense presented character witnesses, huguely's aunt calling him georgie saying he's a good person, a people magnet, the defense arguing for only 14 years in prison, but prosecution witnesses spoke of violent encounters with huguely. in february huguely was convicted of second degree murder for beating 22-year-old yeardley love to death in her charlottesville apartment. the two were lacrosse players


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